Summer Learning Journey-Blowflies profile

Although I hate bugs, I like to study them whenever I get the chance too. I chose Blowflies because they’re the first bug in new zealand I thought of. its so annoying and frustrating when they fly around and put their germs on my food, especially in the Summer. The blowfly is probably the bug I dislike the most. What bug do you despise?

Summer Learning Journey-Snakes and Ladders (Multiplication Edition)

I have done completed the “Step it up” Activity, but this time I asked one of my friends to join me. And as I said in the last Snakes and Ladders activity, this was more enjoyable than playing alone. My friend “Justin” is smart so he was pretty good at solving the questions. And as expected he won, but it was a very fun game. I suggest this game for those who love math and enjoy board games.

I have a question, What is your favourite board game to play with your family?

Summer Learning Journey-Snakes and Ladders

For this Summer Learning Journey activity, I didn’t really know what to do. I knew how to play the game, but I didn’t know what or how to show my work. Maybe I should ask one of my friends to play with me next time.

I decided to play alone and the game was pretty fun, even if you’re playing alone but thats just my opinion. At the start it was pretty easy for me, I also decided to solve the equation questions just so the viewer can know. The middle was a bit hard but I got through it. The last part kept frustrating me. I kept climbing up ladders and sliding down snakes but eventually I ended the game.

I really loved this game, but I should’ve played with a buddy so it can make it even more exciting! In fact, this reminds me of a New Zealand book I read called “Snakes and Ladders”. The story was nothing what I expected, but it was very good. Do you like reading books in your free time?

Summer Learning Journey-Underwater…Robot?

My underwater robot was kind of built like a rocket. But the reason why its designed like a fish is so it could fit in with the other fish and not scare them away. If this robot was real, hopefully it would survive from dangerous sea creatures. I really loved this activity, it reminds me of the robot toys my little brother has. Its mostly dinosaur robot toys, Do you have any robot toys?

Summer Learning Journey- Under the Sea

Jellyfish,Seahorses and crabs are one my favourite creatures that live in the sea.

Fun fact! Did you know that most Seahorses are monogamous (Only have/had 1 partner in their life) and they mate forever?  If only some people were like Seahorses. And did you know that Blobfishes dont have any bones or muscles? They also don’t have teeth!

But the blobfish is my favourite, although it might look ugly and smell gross I think it looks pretty cute. It also reminds me of myself, just lying around all day doing nothing. What is your favourite sea creature? And what are some interesting facts about them?

Summer Learning Journey-Unpuzzle the Puzzle!

For the next SLJ activity, I couldn’t wait to do this one. As the tutorial said, I decided to write my word first then choose my emojies. Which was very helpful. Now, its completed and im not really proud but I still like it.

My favourite emoji is the wave emoji. Not only does it remind me of the beautiful sea I love but it also reminds me of Moana. I used to watch that film everyday and never get bored. What was your favourite disney movie? If anyone finds this confusing, I can change the puzzle a bit. But have fun unpuzzling!


Summer Learning Journey-Rebus Puzzles

Another fun and exciting Summer Learning Journey has been completed. This activity was a bit hard. I had the story in mind, but I had trouble finding the right emojies. I do not know if the emojies I used make sense with the story but maybe on the “Step it up” challenge I can try better!

And one fun fact before I go, did you know the story I used is actually from a video game? Can you guess which video game this story belongs to? Anyways I’ll start on the next challenge now.


Summer Learning Journey-Advanced Tangram!

For the step it up activity, I had to move the Polygon shapes from side to side everytime. I also had to adjust each shapes angle just to fit the corners of the Tangram designs.

My favourite Tangram design is the guy kicking the ball. It reminds me a lot about soccer, and soccer reminds me of all the problems my school would have when playing that game. I don’t know if I should say they were “good” memories. What sport does your school play everyday?

Summer Learning Journey-Tangram

For this Summer Learning Journey activity, I had to do Tangrams. Fun fact! Did you know “Tangrams” was originated from china? Then it went over to America then Europe and eventually everywhere. I chose to do these 4 shapes because I loved the designs.

But my favourite one is the “Umbrella” one. The pose reminds me of a old-fashioned lady trying to control her umbrella, I don’t really know why it reminds me of that but it just does. What’s your favourite Tangram design?

Summer Learning Journey-What doesn’t belong?

All the other slides were pretty easy for me, but slide 5 made me think a bit longer and harder to come up with a smart answer. If you take a look at slide 6 I created my own quiz for you to solve. My favourite shape is a diamond. Whenever I look at it, it reminds me of elegance and beauty. Whats your favourite shape? And does it remind you of anything?