Year: 2023

Summer Learning Journey-Unpuzzle the Puzzle!

For the next SLJ activity, I couldn’t wait to do this one. As the tutorial said, I decided to write my word first then choose my emojies. Which was very helpful. Now, its completed and im not really proud but I still like it.

My favourite emoji is the wave emoji. Not only does it remind me of the beautiful sea I love but it also reminds me of Moana. I used to watch that film everyday and never get bored. What was your favourite disney movie? If anyone finds this confusing, I can change the puzzle a bit. But have fun unpuzzling!


Summer Learning Journey-Rebus Puzzles

Another fun and exciting Summer Learning Journey has been completed. This activity was a bit hard. I had the story in mind, but I had trouble finding the right emojies. I do not know if the emojies I used make sense with the story but maybe on the “Step it up” challenge I can try better!

And one fun fact before I go, did you know the story I used is actually from a video game? Can you guess which video game this story belongs to? Anyways I’ll start on the next challenge now.


Summer Learning Journey-Advanced Tangram!

For the step it up activity, I had to move the Polygon shapes from side to side everytime. I also had to adjust each shapes angle just to fit the corners of the Tangram designs.

My favourite Tangram design is the guy kicking the ball. It reminds me a lot about soccer, and soccer reminds me of all the problems my school would have when playing that game. I don’t know if I should say they were “good” memories. What sport does your school play everyday?

Summer Learning Journey-Tangram

For this Summer Learning Journey activity, I had to do Tangrams. Fun fact! Did you know “Tangrams” was originated from china? Then it went over to America then Europe and eventually everywhere. I chose to do these 4 shapes because I loved the designs.

But my favourite one is the “Umbrella” one. The pose reminds me of a old-fashioned lady trying to control her umbrella, I don’t really know why it reminds me of that but it just does. What’s your favourite Tangram design?

Summer Learning Journey-What doesn’t belong?

All the other slides were pretty easy for me, but slide 5 made me think a bit longer and harder to come up with a smart answer. If you take a look at slide 6 I created my own quiz for you to solve. My favourite shape is a diamond. Whenever I look at it, it reminds me of elegance and beauty. Whats your favourite shape? And does it remind you of anything?

Summer Learning Journey-Where’s Wally?

I remember when I was 8 or 7 years old. Whenever it was reading time, my teacher would always have this box full of “Where’s Wally?”. Everyone in my class absolutely LOVED them so much! In fact, I remember one time most of the class worked together and tried to find Wally until it was lunch time. I also remember that whenever reading the “Where’s Wally” books, I would constantly choose the same one and finish it.

I really hope they continue the “Where’s Wally” books in the future. I’ll be very upset if they stopped.

Whats your favourite “Where’s Wally?” book? And why is that?