Summer Learning Journey- Summer Chat with…Emojies!

The story that I “created” was actually based on a true event that happened. My family,friends and I went to Dunkirk to have a picnic and hangout. I really enjoyed it, I also enjoyed the food that was there. I was really thankful for the weather and my friends showing up. When did you have your last picnic? As for the emojies, I think I did a good job. I also made it seem like 2 people were actually texting each other. So if you see “@” that means “at” and if you see “btw” then that means “by the way”.

3 thoughts on “Summer Learning Journey- Summer Chat with…Emojies!

  1. Mōrena Madelyn,

    What an interesting step up from your previous post. It is like a way to design a conversation in which you would share your silhouette photo. I see that you did not add the photo but I imagine you could easily continue the conversation to include it.

    I think you did an awesome job coming up with a mock conversation between your family and friends. It almost looks like a screenshot straight off your phone!!

    I was wondering where is Dunkirk?

    Ngā mihi nui,
    Zana Yates

    1. Talofa Lava Zana

      To be honest, I didn’t add the Silhouette because I didn’t really want to. When creating this and trying to complete it I was kind of in a hurry so I just quickly posted it. But for the next SLJ activities I will definitely add more.

      Have a good day today! God bless

  2. Ahiahi pai Maddy
    your friend Jamie here! You have done a great job creating your Summer Chat Story. I really like that you put emojis in place of words; like a puzzle.

    To answer your question, my last picnic was with you and the rest of Room 8!! What was your favorite part about our picnic? Mine was playing on the playground and the delicious kai!

    Keep up the great work Maddy, enjoy the rest of your holiday and God bless!!
    Your friend, Jamie

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