SLJ-Sea Creature Poem: Step It Up

For the step it up activity I had to make another poem. So this time I chose a cute creature, the “Dumbo Octopus!”. Im sorry if the audio isn’t clear enough, but if you want to know the words to the poem here it is:

“I am way different than the other octopuses

I wonder why im so small

I hear I only have 3 hearts

I see lots of cute drawings about me but

I want to be more

I am a dumbo octopus

I pretend to enjoy myself

I feel sad deep within

I touch my fins that give me my title

I worry what the future holds for me and my kind

I cry due to the fact that I only have 3 or 5 years left to live

I am a dumbo octopus


I understand why everyone loves me

I say to myself “is this all I am?”

I dream to be big one day

I try to be dangerous but I can’t

I hope my dream only comes true

I am a dumbo octopus.”

2 thoughts on “SLJ-Sea Creature Poem: Step It Up

  1. Kia Ora Madelyn,

    This is Zana from the Summer Learning Journey. It is awesome to see you posting on your blog this summer!

    What a fun step it up activity, I like that it is a challenging yet achievable step up from your previous poem.

    I think you did a really great job writing this second poem and you chose another interesting and abnormal ocean creature. Blobfish and the Dumbo Octopus, two of my favourites!! It is great to see how clearly and proudly you read your poem, it is not easy to record yourself reading aloud to share with others.

    If you were to write one more poem, which cool and quirky animal would you choose this time?

    I hope to see more of your posts over the summer!

    Ngā mihi nui,
    Zana Yates

    1. Kumusta Zana

      Thank you for commenting on my work, I really appreciate it. And to answer your question, I think if I were to do another poem about a sea creature I think it would have to be the “axalotl”. I’m not sure why but I think they’re a very interesting sea animal.

      Thank you and have a terrific holiday!

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