Day: January 11, 2024

Summer Learning Journey-Anemone isn’t the Enemy (Step it Up)

For this Summer Learning Journey activity I had to create a sea anemone. A sea anemone may look like a plant but its actually a marine animal.

Did you know that sea anemones are actually carnivores? Most sea anemones have a special ability, where they can zap whoever touches them with their tentacles.  There was one sea anemone that was about 550 million years old!

Before I didn’t know what a sea anemone was but after I searched it up I recognised the design. I think its included in the movie “Finding Nemo” and “Finding Dory”. My favourite part of the movie is Finding Dory. What I loved is the fact that we get to see Dory’s backstory and childhood. We also get introduced by new characters as well, my favourite character is destiny. Who’s your favourite character in Finding Dory?

Summer Learning Journey-Notan Art (Step it Up)

For the Step it Up version, I had to make a theme or a scene. As in maybe friends in the park, or fishes swimming but for my theme I did “wildlife”. For the shapes I used, I just used the curve tool to trace most of the animals. As for the sun, I created it on my own without any tracing. My favourite animal that you can tame are cats.

 I love how cute and scary they are, sometimes their very random and just run around. But others like mine just sleep,eat and sleep. If your favourite pet animal is a cat, what do you love about them? While creating this I tried making a “cat” theme. But instead I decided to go for all animals. Fun fact! The camel looking animal was originally supposed to be a bird flying. But it didn’t look right so it became a weird looking camel.