Day: December 26, 2023

Summer Learning Journey-Colour Block Landscape

This SLJ activity is definetely one of my favourites. I chose this picture because the background looked very beautiful and stunning. It reminds me of my cute bunny doll I have. What is your favourite doll? As the video said, I made the cliff and the couple really big to make it look like its close to me. The rest was easy for me, but the sun and trees took me a while to think.

Im proud of my complete project, but I’m thinking the trees and sun are a bit strange. I  added a pattern to the sun to make it stand out more, but I think I should’ve added a reflection too.

Summer Learning Journey-Blowflies profile

Although I hate bugs, I like to study them whenever I get the chance too. I chose Blowflies because they’re the first bug in new zealand I thought of. its so annoying and frustrating when they fly around and put their germs on my food, especially in the Summer. The blowfly is probably the bug I dislike the most. What bug do you despise?