SLJ-Chippy Challenge: Step It Up

For the step it up version, after completeing my Fish and Chips menu I had to make an eyecatching logo for it! This one was quite difficult for me since my mind wasn’t thinking clearly so I looked up some food logos and I finally got my image. I thought of the name “Shiffers Jr” for my fish and chips shop. Its mostly inspired by one of my favourite fast food places “Carls Jr”. The background may not look like it, but its based on those aesthetic reflection sea images on social media. As for the red and yellow, its based on the two famous condiments, Tomato Sauce and Mustard. But they’re both not really my favourite.

Whats your favourite condiment? Let me know!

2 thoughts on “SLJ-Chippy Challenge: Step It Up

  1. Kia ora anō Madelyn,
    Wow you have completed so many tasks this week! I’m so impressed! I really love what you’ve done with your logo!
    Shiffers Junior really reminds me of the yin yang symbol, with those wavy lines and I so enjoyed the link to tomato sauce and mustard! How cool and playful!

    Our household are big t-sauce fans (tomato) but I’m not really a condiment fan! When it comes to fish and chips, sometimes garlic butter is my favourite addition! We have a fish and chip shop right across the road so chips are a bit of a favourite for a lazy Friday night dinner!
    Keep up the great Summer Learning Journey blogging,
    Mrs Williams
    The Manaiakalani Network Summer Learning Journey team

    1. Talofa Lava Mrs Williams

      Thank you for commenting on my work, I really appreciate it. Fun fact: I didn’t actually intend to make it look like a ying and yang inspiration but after I did it I realised it did kind of look like the ying and yang symbol. And I agree, although I prefer my food without any condiments I think a garlic condiment compliments it well.

      Have a wonderful day today!

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