Day: January 2, 2024

Summer Learning Journey-Tessellations

For this Summer Learning Journey activity I just added random Polygon shapes together, but then I found out that I was doing the wrong thing and restarted. Some of you might notice that I changed it. I chose hexagons because they remind me of those beehive patterns and although I’m afraid of bees and every bug, I still admire them. I still remember the tine where I first got stung by a bee when I was at school, I can’t remember the pain though. Where was your first bee sting? Or your first painful moment?

What I love about this activity is that I learnt meanings of new words that might be useful when I go back to school. But the one word that I love is “Regular Tessellations”. Regular Tessellations is a pattern that includes regular Polygon shapes. Each of the Polygon’s sides are connected and make no gaps. Therefore creating a unique pattern.  And if you don’t know what Regular Polygons are, their shapes that have the same length and the same measurement.