Day: April 5, 2024

Stations of the Cross

Have you ever experienced Stations of the Cross before? I know I have, multiple times! If you have no idea what Stations of the Cross is, let me tell you. The Stations of the Cross is a re-enacted play that is performed once a year by the seniors. We display this act for our young ones and newcomers to strengthen the faith between them and Jesus and to realise the importance of Jesus’ death.

Luckily the weather was clear and sunny so our audience could pay close attention to what each student was doing. Station after Station, the movement and expressions on Jesus’ face just filled me with sympathy and sorrow.  Imagine the pain Jesus felt carrying the cross and the pressure of our acts. 

Finally after the last station, Daniel took over and began singing “Were You There.”  Although there was silence throughout Daniel’s singing, there was an eerie feeling that surrounded me like I was actually living in the moment. At the conclusion of Stations of the Cross, every class went back to their rooms in silent respect.