Day: September 16, 2022

Holy Angels Orphanage

In 1876 2 of the Mission Sisters arrived at Kolkata, they visited some families then they decided to establish a Church. 1967 the archbishop gave the Mission Sisters a home and also in 1967 most of the children were orphans because of a war so the Mission Sisters established a school for them.

In 1981 the Mission Sisters established an orphanage for orphans. Before they started an orphanage I think the reason why they started an orphanage was because Sister Teresa brought 7 orphans. In 2006 the Mission Sisters named the parish school “Holy Angels Boarding School”.

Kalyanpur is a beautiful village filled with 92851 males and 81098 females all together its 173,949 Kalyanpur is spelled “kalyanpur” but the stations name is “Kalianpur” while the British often use “Kullianpur”.